Ratchet & Clank Future: Quest for Booty.Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction ( **Note** The Sixaxis motion controls don't work with the PS4, but the times you have to use it are few and far in between. ).Ratchet & Clank Collection (Start the game or load a game and then turn off the Dualshock 3 and Connect the Dualshock 4.).Monster Hunter Portable 3rd HD (PSP Remastered).

The Cause sees the player battling the Mythic Dawn who are trying to create a new Oblivion gate. All previous Creation content is being included, along with new content like Ghosts of the Tribunal which offers a Morrowind-themed weapons and armor. New quests are also available tied to fishing. These can be displayed on walls in the player’s home or in aquariums. Fishing should be the most popular activity with players able to venture around the world and catch many kinds of fish. Survival Mode makes Skyrim a more realistic affair as players have to seek out campfires against the cold and manage their hunger. Rare Curios are also included in this which provide new ingredients for new potions, arrows and poisons. Saints and Seducers is interesting because it adds new armor sets, weapons and a new storyline along with new foes. A new overview video from the company highlights Fishing, Survival Mode, and Saints and Seducers (a series of questlines). The Skyrim Anniversary Edition includes the base game with all expansions but also throws in plenty of Bethesda Creations as well. The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim celebrates its 10th anniversary on November 11th with what else but a new version of the game.